Learn how to get involved


Apply to become a Crypto Policy Lab (CPL) Member

Soon, we will be recruiting for CPL members! CPL Members are volunteers who may be web3 experts or crypto newcomers eager to learn.

Here are a few examples for how we will involve our members:

◦ Generate content ideas, fact check written pieces, monitor and stay up-to-date on crypto regulations, study a specific region or policy topic, support external communications, etc.

◦ Roles can include being a researcher, writer, poet, editor, digital artist, organizer, and more.

Newcomers can learn alongside others, students can build up their skill sets, and experts can help to impart their wisdom to support a more informed and inclusive industry.

Learn more about us

If you haven’t already, meet our team and read through our mission, vision, and values.

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Contact Us

Have a question or suggestion? Let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

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