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Crypto Policy Lab

Innovate. Evaluate. Do good.

Laying the groundwork for informed web3 policy focused on inclusive outcomes

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Blockchain. Crypto. Web3.
Are you confused by these terms?

You are not alone.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a type of technology. It’s as simple as that. It can be thought of as a general ledger with features that can enable more trust in the record-keeping process. Crypto Policy Lab will help you to understand why blockchain tech is considered “cutting edge” with the help of real world use cases.

Not all blockchains are created equal
. The design is important.

What is crypto?

Crypto has many meanings. It has been informally adopted to refer to digital assets that use blockchain tech (a.k.a., cryptocurrencies). Crypto can also refer to digital ecosystems that use blockchain tech (a.k.a., cryptonetworks).

Crypto Policy Lab will help to navigate these terms, which fall under the broader world of web3.

What is web3?

Web3 can be thought of as the third stage of the internet. Stage 1 (a.k.a., web1) allowed users to read information. Stage 2 (a.k.a., web2) allowed users to read and write (e.g., interact on social media). Stage 3 (a.k.a, web3) allows users to read, write, and own.

There are numerous reasons for why digital ownership is important. Crypto Policy Lab will explore this area in detail.

Why should I care about web3?

Web3 is our future, and tech innovation will continue to grow exponentially. We must make sure that we don’t leave others behind. Now is the best time to learn and begin to think through key issues that will have important implications on our collective society.

“We shape our tools and therefore our tools shape us.” -John Culkin

Why should I care about policy?

Whether we like it or not, public policy influences all of our lives, which is why it’s important to stay informed and engaged. If done right, regulation can incentivize innovation while also supporting a safe and inclusive environment. Informed policy can lead to better outcomes.

At Crypto Policy Lab we believe in innovating first, evaluating often, and cultivating inclusion.


Crypto in Action

Within 4 days, the Ukrainian government raised nearly $26 million in crypto, with at least half already disbursed to counter Russia’s invasion.
What could this mean for…

humanitarian aid, sanctions, governments, and terrorism?


At least 80 countries are either launching, piloting, or researching their own government-issued digital currency. What could this mean for…

financial inclusion, monetary policy, national security, and privacy?

brown cardboard box with yellow light

Who We Are

Crypto Policy Lab is a nonprofit focused on web3 policy research. Our focus is to educate the public on web3 policy challenges and to encourage more informed civic engagement.

We are not an advocacy group and hope to provide an unbiased understanding of this complex space for all to follow along. We promise to…

• Keep the discussion conversational
• Equip you with the basics
• Provide
multiple perspectives
• Connect you to helpful resources


Web3 is full of jargon. We keep our discussions conversational for all to follow along. We promise to limit the use of jargon and provide additional sources where appropriate.

Provide “the Basics”

There’s a long learning curve to the web3 space. For each policy topic that we discuss, we provide you with the basics of what you need to know.

360° Perspective

We present multiple sides on the same policy issue to explore nuances on a given topic and provide a more holistic view for our readers.

Connect Resources

There are many great policy relevant resources, but no easy filter. We gather reputable sources and help to curate the information into something that can be better understood for anyone regardless of their background.

Our Roadmap

As we start out, we will continue to iterate on our business strategy to further refine our organization and remain flexible to achieving our mission. Here’s a high-level overview of where we are currently headed:

Website launch 

Recruiting members

Piloting 2-3 topics

Nonprofit registration

Grant funding

Recruiting fellows and interns

Scaling our research portfolio

Outreach & civic engagement

More information to come… 

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